Monday, November 23, 2009

Event: Secret Cupcake Santa

Dear Cupcake Santa,
This year all Rainbow Cupcakes have been very nice. They helped out their friends and did harm to nobody. This is why, dear Cupcake Santa, we would like to get for Christmas:

Actually, what do we want for Christmas this year from our good old Cupcake Santa?

You tell me!

It can be a pet card you’ve always been dreaming of, a crazy stylish haircut, piece of clothing, magic wand or furniture… Let’s make our Christmas gift wish list!

Send me your request: you can only choose one thing, and it must be found in the world of HKOE without paying with real money - so items from Item Mall are excluded, as well as some pet cards (Pyrodon and Komodo Lizards) that are almost impossible to get. Other than that, choose what you’d really like to receive as a gift!

Among those who will send me their wishes, I’ll match everybody in pairs. You’ll have to get the present for your partner, but you won’t know who is your secret Cupcake Santa untill he or she gives you your present! Sounds fun, right? ^o^
In order to give you enough time, the event will take place on the last weekend before Christmas. Hurry up though to send me your wish list so I can manage matching in time!

Go Rainbow Cupcakes ~~~~~~!


  1. Oh Dear Santa,

    What a great idea you had! I love you so much!

    First I want to say how our guilies have been so sweet with each others. Our family is the greatest in HKO and you are going to make each of us the happiest with this event! Thank you !!

    And, Dear santa, you know, I never told you but I really love your hat!! This one make me have sweet dreams every winters since years.
    So my wish will be to receive this lovely Red Sleeping Cap.

    I love you dear Santa, keep safe and I hope we'll soon see you in HKO!

  2. Dear Cupcake Santa !

    I'm so glad to write u these words !!! *.*
    but i apologize for the time it took me to know what i'll ask u for Xmass ... :$
    I hope it doesn't mean i wasn't enough nice to get a present this year !! >.< :p
    So if u don't think so i will be very glad to receive an Alien transmitter hat. It's just because i love the violet colour <3 <3
    and maybe will i manage to communicate with ur friend Alien Santa with it !! ^O^
    I thank you very very much and wish u'll have not too much work u and ur little elves.

    Take care of u and of my little Cupcake guildies, they deserve it so much !!!! <3
